Thursday, December 30, 2010


     Most teachers and  many parents know about This web site is a great resource for young learners in and out of the classroom. Starfall also has many materials that can be printed including early phonics books that use rhyming words. You can even order materials from Starfall at a reasonable cost. The best part about Starfall is that there are no advertisements or links to other sites so it is very safe for young children.
I have always loved Starfall and used it in the classroom and with my daughter. That is why I am so excited that they have added a new site that now includes math activities. The new site is called It does require you to join to have access to all of the features, but considering the volume of interactive activities, printables and teacher/parent resources, the prices are reasonable. A family membership with access from up to three computers is $35.
By the way I do not work for Starfall, I just love the site so much I had to share.

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