Friday, February 18, 2011

Cobb County Board Votes in Favor of "Unbalanced" School Calendar

This parent is not very happy about the school calendar changing yet again! First of all, the calendar voted in for the 2011-2012 year is not a "traditional"school calendar. If we are going to be traditional, let's go back to starting after Labor Day and continuing into June. That is the traditional school calendar. Second of all, as parents, teachers, grandparents, childcare facilities, and children, how are we to ever become accustomed to the school schedule if it keeps changing? Is our school board playing a game of ping-pong, or considering what is best for our school system. I'm thinking ping-pong.

Still on the fence about this latest controversy?

Here are some thoughts to consider about the "balanced" calendar:
  • Students still attend school for 180 days, the days are just distributed differently.
  • Whether it's August or May, it is going to be HOT when the kids are in school. Waiting until later in August will not change that fact. 
  • February is the peak month for student and teacher absence due to illness, thereby affecting AYP (Annual Yearly Progress)
  • Family vacations cost less when they can be taken during the non-peak travel season.
  • This might offend some but school is not a free babysitting service. No matter the time of year you will have to find care for your child. 
  • Some also suggest that the "balanced" calendar may also help our students perform better overall.
Finally, parents and teachers now have to scramble to change their plans, such as vacations and family trips, because our school board has decided to make a change to what was already in place. I understand that there was initial adjustment to this year's calendar, and it may have been difficult for some. However, like anything you do for the first time, you usually have to do it again before you like it or get used to it. Now we will never know if we really liked it or not. 

Personally I think everyone should write a letter or send an e-mail to the school board members to let them know how you feel. I hope you feel like I do: Upset and disappointed.

Oh, and I forgot  to mention that the survey results reflected over 70% in favor of keeping the current "balanced calendar". So is our board really listening to us? Hmmmm


Mary said...

Well written and as a grandparent I agtree 100%. What is wrong with our school Board? are they only thinking of getting re-elected and not what is best for our kids and the county as a whiole I for one willl not re-elect my school board member unless he preforms better than this

Mary said...

I agree with this writer 100%. Perhaps if the school bpard cannopt do a better job we can get rid of them at the ballot box. I am very disappointed in our particular member.